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Fruta e Legumes

Fresco e Congelado
Fresco e Congelado

A Bargain Trade Company está focada na exportação de frutas e vegetais frescos e congelados, além de vegetais salgados. Com suas operações no Egito, a empresa pode oferecer consistentemente produtos de alta qualidade aos seus clientes durante todo o ano.

Fresh and Frozen
Fresh and Frozen
Bargain Trade Company is focused on exporting both fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables, in addition to salty vegetables. With its operations in Egypt, the company can consistently offer high-quality products to its customers year-round.

Fresh and Frozen

Bargain Trade Company is focused on exporting both fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables, in addition to salty vegetables. With its operations in Egypt, the company can consistently offer high-quality products to its customers year-round.