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Potassium Chloride (KCl) possesses a diverse array of applications across various industries. It is utilized in buffers, fertilizers, pharmaceuticals, scientific research, food processing, and explosives. Furthermore, it plays a significant role in oilfield brine solutions, which can consist of various single salt fluid blends, with potassium chloride brine being one of the prominent types. This particular brine fluid is characterized by its clarity and can be applied within a density range of 8.4 lb/gal to 9.7 lb/gal.


Potassium Chloride
Elements Results Units
Potassuim as (K2O) Min 50 %
Chlorides (CL) Max 1 %
Solubility in water Min 100 g/L
Moisture Max 0.15 %
Bulk densty  1.4-1.6 g/cm3
electronic conductivity Min 800 ppm
Ph (10 g/L) 2-2.3