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Ração para animais

MCP é um aditivo empregado na ração animal, composto por cálcio e fósforo derivados de fontes inorgânicas, especificamente ácido ortofosfórico e carbonato de cálcio finamente moído. É incorporado à mistura de ração e ao pré-mistura de acordo com as diretrizes fornecidas pelo fabricante de ração animal. Como um suplemento de fosfato inorgânico, o MCP desempenha um papel crucial no setor de ração animal. Fornece cálcio e fósforo essenciais, que são vitais para melhorar várias funções fisiológicas nos animais, incluindo o metabolismo e as operações dos sistemas nervoso, imunológico e reprodutivo. Consequentemente, a inclusão de MCP contribui para o aumento da produtividade no gado.
Sugar Beet Pulp
Sugar Beet Pulp
A polpa de beterraba açucareira é um subproduto fibroso rico em energia, obtido da extração de açúcar das raízes da beterraba açucareira através de um processo à base de água. Este produto é altamente valorizado entre várias classes de gado, incluindo ruminantes, porcos, aves, coelhos e cavalos, e é muito apreciado pelos agricultores por seus benefícios nutricionais.
fosfato de dicálcio é um aditivo alimentar amplamente utilizado nos setores alimentício e farmacêutico. Este pó branco e cristalino é produzido através de uma reação entre óxido de cálcio e ácido fosfórico. Na indústria alimentícia, o Fosfato de Dicalcário desempenha várias funções vitais. É principalmente empregado como um suplemento dietético, fornecendo fontes essenciais de cálcio e fósforo. Frequentemente, esta substância é incorporada em cereais matinais, barras de lanche e vários produtos alimentares para melhorar seu perfil nutricional. Além disso, o Fosfato de Dicalcínio atua como um agente estabilizante e espessante em alimentos processados, incluindo queijo e pudim. Além disso, o Fosfato de Dicalcário desempenha um papel importante como suplemento na ração animal. Fornece tanto cálcio quanto fósforo, nutrientes críticos para o crescimento e desenvolvimento dos animais. Este aditivo é comumente integrado na ração para o gado, como aves e suínos, para garantir que recebam os nutrientes necessários para promover sua saúde e crescimento. Além disso, o Fosfato de Dicalcário é utilizado na indústria de fertilizantes. Fornece cálcio e fósforo essenciais, ambos cruciais para promover o crescimento das plantas. A inclusão de Fosfato de Dicalcário nos fertilizantes ajuda a melhorar a qualidade do solo e a apoiar o desenvolvimento robusto das plantas.
Feed incorporates maize and vegetable oils as the main sources of energy, meeting the caloric needs of poultry effectively. It is formulated to include essential amino acids such as lysine and methionine, ensuring comprehensive nutritional support. Importantly, the feed also guarantees an ideal level of threonine, as research indicates that meeting this requirement facilitates the fulfillment of other amino acid needs. Available in the forms of pellets or crumbles, this heat-treated feed promotes better digestion and enhances performance, as evidenced by an improved feed conversion ratio and increased final weights. Digestive enzymes are integrated into the formulation to maximize energy extraction through improved feed digestion. To further bolster the health of the birds, our feeds include yeast cell walls that interact with pathogenic bacteria within the digestive tract, effectively contributing to disease prevention while enhancing immune performance and digestion efficiency. Vitamin E is included to work synergistically with selenium, producing antioxidants that protect cellular integrity and optimize antioxidant function. The formula is also enriched with organic micro-minerals that are highly absorbent by broiler chickens, supporting the reduction of oxidative stress and enhancing immune function to aid in disease prevention. Organic selenium, which is readily absorbed by broiler chickens, is incorporated for its critical role in antioxidant production, further increasing disease resistance. Additionally, the formulation features chemical and biological antitoxins, alongside organic acids, to combat fungal toxins and eliminate any potential fungal threats from the feed source.
Feed incorporates maize and vegetable oils as the main sources of energy, meeting the caloric needs of poultry effectively. It is formulated to include essential amino acids such as lysine and methionine, ensuring comprehensive nutritional support. Importantly, the feed also guarantees an ideal level of threonine, as research indicates that meeting this requirement facilitates the fulfillment of other amino acid needs. Available in the forms of pellets or crumbles, this heat-treated feed promotes better digestion and enhances performance, as evidenced by an improved feed conversion ratio and increased final weights. Digestive enzymes are integrated into the formulation to maximize energy extraction through improved feed digestion. To further bolster the health of the birds, our feeds include yeast cell walls that interact with pathogenic bacteria within the digestive tract, effectively contributing to disease prevention while enhancing immune performance and digestion efficiency. Vitamin E is included to work synergistically with selenium, producing antioxidants that protect cellular integrity and optimize antioxidant function. The formula is also enriched with organic micro-minerals that are highly absorbent by broiler chickens, supporting the reduction of oxidative stress and enhancing immune function to aid in disease prevention. Organic selenium, which is readily absorbed by broiler chickens, is incorporated for its critical role in antioxidant production, further increasing disease resistance. Additionally, the formulation features chemical and biological antitoxins, alongside organic acids, to combat fungal toxins and eliminate any potential fungal threats from the feed source.


Feed incorporates maize and vegetable oils as the main sources of energy, meeting the caloric needs of poultry effectively. It is formulated to include essential amino acids such as lysine and methionine, ensuring comprehensive nutritional support. Importantly, the feed also guarantees an ideal level of threonine, as research indicates that meeting this requirement facilitates the fulfillment of other amino acid needs. Available in the forms of pellets or crumbles, this heat-treated feed promotes better digestion and enhances performance, as evidenced by an improved feed conversion ratio and increased final weights. Digestive enzymes are integrated into the formulation to maximize energy extraction through improved feed digestion. To further bolster the health of the birds, our feeds include yeast cell walls that interact with pathogenic bacteria within the digestive tract, effectively contributing to disease prevention while enhancing immune performance and digestion efficiency. Vitamin E is included to work synergistically with selenium, producing antioxidants that protect cellular integrity and optimize antioxidant function. The formula is also enriched with organic micro-minerals that are highly absorbent by broiler chickens, supporting the reduction of oxidative stress and enhancing immune function to aid in disease prevention. Organic selenium, which is readily absorbed by broiler chickens, is incorporated for its critical role in antioxidant production, further increasing disease resistance. Additionally, the formulation features chemical and biological antitoxins, alongside organic acids, to combat fungal toxins and eliminate any potential fungal threats from the feed source.
Sugar Beet Pulp
Sugar Beet Pulp
Sugar beet pulp is a fibrous by-product that is rich in energy, obtained from the extraction of sugar from the roots of the sugar beet through a water-based process. This product is highly regarded among various classes of livestock, including ruminants, pigs, poultry, rabbits, and horses, and is greatly valued by farmers for its nutritional benefits.

Sugar Beet Pulp

Sugar beet pulp is a fibrous by-product that is rich in energy, obtained from the extraction of sugar from the roots of the sugar beet through a water-based process. This product is highly regarded among various classes of livestock, including ruminants, pigs, poultry, rabbits, and horses, and is greatly valued by farmers for its nutritional benefits.
MCP is an additive employed in animal feed, comprising calcium and phosphorus derived from inorganic sources, specifically orthophosphoric acid and finely ground calcium carbonate. It is incorporated into the feed mixture and premix in accordance with the guidelines provided by the animal feed manufacturer. As an inorganic phosphate supplement, MCP plays a crucial role in the animal feed sector. It provides essential calcium and phosphorus, which are vital for enhancing various physiological functions in animals, including metabolism and the operations of the nervous, immune, and reproductive systems. Consequently, the inclusion of MCP contributes to increased productivity in livestock.


MCP is an additive employed in animal feed, comprising calcium and phosphorus derived from inorganic sources, specifically orthophosphoric acid and finely ground calcium carbonate. It is incorporated into the feed mixture and premix in accordance with the guidelines provided by the animal feed manufacturer. As an inorganic phosphate supplement, MCP plays a crucial role in the animal feed sector. It provides essential calcium and phosphorus, which are vital for enhancing various physiological functions in animals, including metabolism and the operations of the nervous, immune, and reproductive systems. Consequently, the inclusion of MCP contributes to increased productivity in livestock.
Di calcium Phosphate is a widely utilized food additive in the food and pharmaceutical sectors. This white, crystalline powder is produced through a reaction between calcium oxide and phosphoric acid. In the food industry, Di calcium Phosphate serves several vital functions. It is primarily employed as a dietary supplement, providing essential sources of calcium and phosphorus. Frequently, this substance is incorporated into breakfast cereals, snack bars, and various food products to enhance their nutritional profile. Additionally, Di calcium Phosphate acts as a stabilizing and thickening agent in processed foods, including cheese and pudding. Moreover, Di calcium Phosphate has a prominent role as a supplement in animal feed. It supplies both calcium and phosphorus, critical nutrients for the growth and development of animals. This additive is commonly integrated into feed for livestock, such as poultry and pigs, to ensure that they receive the necessary nutrients to foster their health and growth. Furthermore, Di calcium Phosphate is utilized in the fertilizer industry. It provides essential calcium and phosphorus, both of which are crucial for promoting plant growth. The inclusion of Di calcium Phosphate in fertilizers aids in enhancing soil quality and supporting robust plant development.


Di calcium Phosphate is a widely utilized food additive in the food and pharmaceutical sectors. This white, crystalline powder is produced through a reaction between calcium oxide and phosphoric acid. In the food industry, Di calcium Phosphate serves several vital functions. It is primarily employed as a dietary supplement, providing essential sources of calcium and phosphorus. Frequently, this substance is incorporated into breakfast cereals, snack bars, and various food products to enhance their nutritional profile. Additionally, Di calcium Phosphate acts as a stabilizing and thickening agent in processed foods, including cheese and pudding. Moreover, Di calcium Phosphate has a prominent role as a supplement in animal feed. It supplies both calcium and phosphorus, critical nutrients for the growth and development of animals. This additive is commonly integrated into feed for livestock, such as poultry and pigs, to ensure that they receive the necessary nutrients to foster their health and growth. Furthermore, Di calcium Phosphate is utilized in the fertilizer industry. It provides essential calcium and phosphorus, both of which are crucial for promoting plant growth. The inclusion of Di calcium Phosphate in fertilizers aids in enhancing soil quality and supporting robust plant development.